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- Merlin's Software Presents
- It's 1988 Catalog!
- ________________________________________________________________________
- First of all I would like to thank those who have ordered disks from our
- collection. All the orders I have received prove to me what a strong
- media BBS's can be. We have received many re-orders so people must like
- what we are putting out. Many have asked for more. Here is our latest
- list.
- Enjoy!
- * Bodacious Bodean's Bordello Beauties *
- Here is a collection of Hold & Modify Screens that will blow your mind!
- These nude pictures are rated from R to XXX. If you are offended by
- pornography don't bother ordering these, but if you enjoy looking at
- beautiful woman in erotic positions then you will love these. There are
- 150 different screens with 15 on each disk. The disks are set up in
- Slideshow style so just put the disk in and sit back and enjoy the show.
- The pictures were taken from magazines that range from Playboy to
- Hustler. There are pretty pictures and there are sleazy pictures,
- something for everyone. Find out why everyone is talking about this
- * Bodacious Bodean's Bordello Beauties Part 2
- You asked for it so here they are. More beautiful ladies but this time
- they are Interlace Hold & Modify Screens. The quality of these pictures
- are much better. Because of the size of the files there are not as many
- pics to a disk but I think you will agree that these are the best so
- far. Disk #4 in this series is shots of Famous Bodies. If these turn
- out to be as popular as our first batch we will do some more.
- Disks # 5-9.
- These are rated XXX and some of the clearest HAMs I have seen. Not for
- the meek and mild.
- * Bodacious Bodean's Faces *
- These are the G versions of the Bordello Disk. For those who don't care
- for sleaze, these are for you. This is a collection of faces of
- beautiful women. Some of the best looking women you have ever seen!
- There are 30 screens of Hold & Modify pictures with 15 on each disk. If
- you want to show off the ability of your Amiga to mixed crowds, these
- will impress everyone!
- * Bodean's DigiArt Disk Collection *
- Now the classics can be seen on the Amiga. This is one of our latest
- set of Digitized images. We have taken pictures from da Vinci to Esher.
- A well rounded collection of some of the most famous art ever created.
- Of course these can not compare to the originals but I think you will
- agree that these new Amiga versions are still quite impressive. At this
- time we have 4 DigiArt disks available. #1 is Virgil Finlay. #2 is
- Da Vinci. #3 is M.C. Esher. #4 is Frank Frazetta.
- * Bodean's 3D Animations! *
- This is a collection of animation files done by J.L. White. At this
- time we only have one disk available but more will follow. #1 has four
- demos on it.
- 1. Merlin3D
- 2. Tbag3D
- 3. Mona3D
- 4. 3D-Beauty
- * T.B.A.G. Disk of the Month *
- Find out what everyone is talking about. This is a collection of the
- best Public Domain & Shareware available for the Amiga. We have created
- a whole new Multi-Tasking format that really takes advantage of the
- Amiga's capabilities. Each disk is filled to the rim with exciting
- demo's and utilities to help make life a little easier. As a special
- deal, send us $50.00 and we will send you a years worth of the best
- software around.
- * Label Designer *
- At last, a program to make your own customized diskette labels. Create
- full color or black & white labels. Use Dpaint, Images, etc. to draw
- your graphics or just use the text editor included in the program. It
- works with all printers available through Preferences. The program
- comes with many standard labels for your convenience. Instructions are
- included on the disk.
- * Magic Puzzle Maker *
- This program takes any lo-res picture, splits it into 20 different
- squares and scrambles them up. Your mission should you decide to accept
- it is to unscramble the picture. Sound simple? Well some pictures are,
- but most will supply you with hours of fun trying to figure out which
- square goes where. Simply click two squares and they change positions.
- Keep switching squares until you solve the puzzle. Many pictures are
- supplied but you can use any lo-res iff file. Instructions are included
- on the disk.
- * Loan Payment *
- Loan Payment is an amortization program. It allows you to figure your
- payments for any loan you may wish to make. It will calculate how much
- money will go towards the principal and how much toward interest each
- month. Output can be sent to the screen or printer. The program is
- menu driven for ease of use. Loan Payment is a valuable tool to add to
- your collection.
- * Cli Wizard *
- Cli Wizard is an interface to be used in conjunction with CLI and
- Workbench. If you hate to type as much as I do, but want to get the
- most out of your machine then you can't be without this program. Simply
- click on a filename and click on a gadget to run your favorite programs.
- You can do everything you can do from Cli but with the mouse instead of
- the keyboard. You can customize it to suit your needs. You can copy
- files, delete directories, edit files, display pictures, play music,
- load a terminal, etc. Has displays for source and destination
- directories (both are buffered). Many features not found in other
- Dir-Utilities. Comes with a nice graphic interface for ease of use. A
- Bargin at any price! A steal at this one!
- * Database Wizard *
- This is basically a mailing list program but can be used for almost any
- type of Database. You can have up to 400 different entries per file.
- Each includes the name, address, city, state, zip, phone#, and a
- notepad! The notepad is very handy for keeping notes about friends in
- the file. Each can be printed for mailing labels or with all the
- information including the notes. Comes with a nice graphic interface
- for ease of use.
- * Background Music Player *
- This program allows you to play digitized sound files in the background
- of Slideshows or any time you want to HEAR why you bought an Amiga!
- Comes with a disk full of digitized music to use in your own
- presentations. 3 versions included.
- * Makedir Wiz *
- This program allows you to create subdirectories with custom Icons from
- Workbench. Simply enter the name in the window and it creates the
- directory & icon. If one with that name exists, it will not write over
- it. Very easy to use and very handy.
- * The Introducer *
- Now you can create your own scrolling demos! Use your own pictures,
- your own sounds, and of course your own scrolling text. Very easy to
- use and comes with many samples to show you how. A must for club disks
- and such.
- * Menu Runner *
- Menu Runner is a replacement menu for the Workbench screen. Disguised
- as a mild mannered menu clock, MR allows you to run 40 of your most
- precious programs. The program is simplicity itself. All you do is
- edit a simple text file to put your own commands in the menus. Each has
- the option for extensions to be added so many C commands can also be
- used (ex. Dir df0:). Output goes to the Cli you ran it from or into its
- own window if invoked from the Workbench.
- MR displays the current time, chip memory, fast memory, and total free
- memory. The names in the menus can be anything you wish up to 18
- characters (ex. Show a Picture). The file name can be up to 50
- characters and you have the option to open a window for extensions if
- they are needed.
- ________________________________________________________________________
- Price List as of 2/18/88
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ________________________________________________________________________
- PD Disk:
- For your convience and my efforts, if you send a $5.00 donation per
- disk we will supply the disk and we will pay the postage. Special deals
- are available for bulk orders. See list below for prices and special
- deals.
- 1. Bodacious Bodean's Bordello Beauties Collection:
- Disk # 1- 10. $5.00 per Disk or $40.00 for all 10
- 2. Bodacious Bodean's Bordello Beauties Collection Part 2:
- Disk # 1- 9. $5.00 per Disk or $35.00 for all 9
- 3. Bodacious Bodean's Faces Collection:
- Disk # 1- 2. $5.00 per Disk
- 4. Bodean's DigiArt Collection:
- Disk # 1- 4. $5.00 per Disk or $15.00 for all 4
- 5. Bodean's 3D Animations!:
- Disk # 1 $5.00
- 6. T.B.A.G. Disk of the Month:
- Disk # 1- 15. $5.00 per Disk or $50.00 for a years subscription.
- Select any 12 Disks from any of the above (1-6) and pay only $50.00.
- Select any 24 Disks from any of the above (1-6) and pay only $90.00.
- Select any 30 Disks from above (1-6) and pay only $110.00
- ________________________________________________________________________
- Basic Programs by J.L. White
- 7. Label Designer:
- Disk loaded with samples. $10.00
- 8. Magic Picture Puzzle:
- Disk loaded with samples. $10.00
- 9. Loan Payment:
- Very easy to use! $10.00
- Get all 3 disks (7-9) for only $25.00
- ________________________________________________________________________
- C Programs by J.L. White
- 10. Cli Wizard:
- Shareware Version! $15.00
- 11. Database Wizard:
- Shareware Version! $15.00
- 12. Background Music Player:
- Shareware Version! $10.00
- Disk full of sounds included!
- 13. Makedir Wiz:
- Shareware Version! $5.00
- 14. The Introducer:
- Sharware Version! $10.00
- Disk full of samples!
- 15. Menu Runner:
- Shareware Version! $10.00
- Get all 6 disk (10-15) for only $50.00
- *** SPECIAL NOTE ***
- Those who order the shareware versions will receive a copy of the
- release version at NO CHARGE!
- *** SPECIAL NOTE ***
- No extra charge for overseas orders!
- Must be in American currency!
- ________________________________________________________________________
- Send orders to:
- J.L. White
- 1304 Four Seasons Blvd.
- Tampa, Fla. 33613
- (813) 971-4451